As the worldwide economic crisis prorogates, the role of Europe is often the hot issue amongst the academia and professionals alike. According to "Europe Economy" (university-world.com), the economy of Europe comprises more than 731 million people in 48 different countries. In addition, EU accounts for the biggest economy in the world €12.894 trillion, according to Eurostat. Thus, it is not too difficult to draw a conclusion that Europe will play important and inevitable roles in determining and/or impacting every global citizen’s life, either positively or negatively.
Business Schools around the world are one of the key parties that are keeping close eyes on this issue. Nyenrode Business Universiteit pays special attention to this topic as they feel that it is also their responsibility to better prepare the future global leaders so they can contribute to making the positive differences in Europe and the world. Thus, they are inviting global talents to join the discussion during ‘Nyenrode MBA European Weekend’, which will take place between June 28th and 30th, 2013 at the beautiful 13 century estate of Nyenrode Business Universiteit, Breukelen, the Netherlands.
“Founded in 1946, Nyenrode has always been an active participant in this subject, not only because of the location and history of our university, but also the significant role that we play via linking academic research with professional expertise. We are very proud to have introduced a separate ‘European Module’ in our International MBA program, which provides our students with the awareness, knowledge, insight and skills needed to optimize the effectiveness of individuals, and thus their organizations, in a European context. Our students have benefited a lot through a combination of interactive lectures, action learning, interviews, scenario analysis, simulation games as well as company and institutional visits in Brussels” Says Shaoqing Wang, program manager of International and Executive MBA at Nyenrode.
“With the motto of ‘By and For Business’, Nyenrode takes pride in preparing our students for the real world. We are exceptionally happy to open our doors to aspiring professionals during Nyenrode MBA European Weekend to enrich the discussion and deepen the knowledge regarding the role of Europe in today’s global world.” She added.
During the Nyenrode MBA European Weekend the selected participants will also experience what studying MBA at Nyenrode is like by attending the top-notch lectures and workshops and also by interacting with current students, alumni, faculty and staff. Nyenrode thinks it is important for global talents to experience the university by themselves before they decide to apply for an MBA at Nyenrode as they have to both know and feel how the program can benefit them. Nyenrode believes that the first-hand experience is the only and the best way remarkable prospective MBA students can make a more concrete decision on the ‘fit’ between the university and themselves.
And if they prove themselves to deserve a reward for life, Nyenrode will even bear the full cost of flight, accommodation and food.
For more information, visit Nyenrode MBA European Weekend page or email info@nyenrode.nl.
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