Saturday, 22 June 2013

E-newlsetter #2

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New Zealand

In This Issue:
Orientation Information

Student Visa




Paperwork Checklist

Predeparture Checklist

Contact your program advisor at 800-858-0229 if you have any questions about the information included in this newsletter.

NZ Canterbury-Campusla

This newsletter goes to all current applicants, including those who have not yet been accepted. You'll receive an acceptance packet with a program contract when you've been admitted to a program.

Orientation Information
Be sure to visit our New Zealand office's Web site before departure. Our New Zealand staff expect you to be familiar with the contents of this site, especially the packing requirements and orientation program. Please take time to visit the site at

Student Visa
All international students in New Zealand are required to obtain a New Zealand student visa prior to arrival. IFSA-Butler will supply you with the application and instructions, but you are responsible for completing the paperwork and sending all application materials to the New Zealand Embassy in the U.S. If you haven't already received your visa application instructions, your program advisor will email you details within the next few weeks.

The IFSA-Butler program fee includes comprehensive medical insurance and assistance coverage for all students studying in New Zealand. However, we strongly recommend that you obtain additional medical insurance before going abroad if you have a pre-existing or mental health condition, neither of which are fully covered by the IFSA-Butler group plan. Be sure to investigate your options for medical, travel and personal property insurance. It is your responsibility to make sure you are properly insured to travel and study abroad.

For more information about health care coverage, see the "Insurance and Health Care" section of Preparing to Study Abroad New Zealand starting on page 36 and visit our Web site at

Don't forget to pay your fees; they are due by May 15. Please let us know of any financial aid arrangements you've made. Have your financial aid office fax or mail us a letter explaining the amount of financial aid and its disbursal date.

Remember, because your $300 housing deposit is returned to you after the program ends (less any damages, fines or outstanding debts remain in your name), we keep it in a separate account from your program deposit and program fee. Please do not combine your housing deposit and program fee into the same payment.

NZ studentsPacking
Keep in mind it will be winter when you arrive for orientation! New Zealand has a temperate (not tropical) climate that makes weather conditions variable all year round. Typical temperatures for winter in New Zealand (June-August) range from 30-50°F.

Orientation takes place in an outdoor education center with shared bunk-room accommodation. In June and July the weather can be cold and as the center is not centrally heated, we recommend you bring layers, thermal clothing, a waterproof jacket, pants, T-shirts, sweatshirts and other clothing appropriate for outdoor activities. You'll also need a swimsuit as well as a set of clean clothes for the Marae visit.

For more information about what to take with you, see the "Packing" section on page 40 of Preparing to Study Abroad New Zealand. Also visit the IFSA-Butler New Zealand orientation Web page.

Paperwork Checklist
Have you put all your plans together yet? Check with your program advisor if any of this looks unfamiliar.

Be sure you have sent these to IFSA-Butler:

Eight ID photosTravel notification formNotarized copy of your passport's photo pageProgram contractProgram deposit (unless paid by your home college)Medical form

You'll need to take these with you:

Passport (Be sure to sign it!)Visa (affixed to your passport)Home university informationAdvisor contact informationCurrent course catalogCurrent transcriptElectronic insurance card and medical, personal property and travel insurance information Travel Newsletter (sent to your home address in early June)

Predeparture Checklist

Download the travel information packet from our Web site.Reserve your space on the Advantage Travel group flight, or make your independent travel plans (see your first e-newsletter for details). Return your completed travel notification form to IFSA-Butler no later than May 23.Send a notarized copy of your passport's photo page to IFSA-Butler and after receiving instructions via e-mail, apply for your New Zealand student visa. Check with your home institution to make sure it has everything it needs before you leave. Make sure you have sent all your information to IFSA-Butler, including your photos (see checklist above). You can check our student portal, iConnect, for the status of your paperwork. Login ID: your full e-mail address. Password: your birthday followed by first and last initials (e.g. 01012008aa).Read Preparing to Study Abroad New Zealand cover to cover.Institute for Study Abroad • 1100 West 42nd Street, Suite 305 • Indianapolis, IN 46208-3345
Phone 800-858-0229 • Fax 317-940-9704 •

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