Inter-Action, Canada’s new Multiculturalism Grants and Contributions Program, is administered by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). The Program supports CIC’s mandate, as well as the Canadian Multiculturalism Act, by assisting in the socio-economic integration of individuals and communities and helping them to contribute to building an integrated and socially cohesive society.
The Inter-Action Events stream [note 1] provides funding, normally in the form of grants, to community-based events that foster intercultural or interfaith understanding, civic memory and pride or respect for core democratic values. The primary intention is to create concrete opportunities for interaction among cultural and faith communities. Applications will be considered year-round.
These guidelines will help you complete the General Application Form (GAF). Please refer to the website ( for instructions on how and where to submit the GAF.
General Application Form (GAF) [IMM 5639] (PDF, 1.8 MB)Funding is provided under the Inter-Action Events stream for events that support the following:
Building an integrated, socially cohesive society by building bridges to promote intercultural understanding, or by fostering citizenship, civic memory, civic pride, and respect for core democratic values grounded in our history.The following groups and institutions are eligible for funding:
Canadian not-for-profit organizations, associations and unincorporated groups of individuals Canadian incorporated and unincorporated municipalities and townships with a population of up to 10,000 Canadian Aboriginal organizationsEligible events must:
demonstrate involvement of more than one single cultural, religious or ethnic community and establish concrete opportunities for positive interaction among them help foster intercultural or interfaith understanding, civic memory and pride, and/or respect for core democratic values be open to and intended for the general public have a total cash cost of up to $50,000Some examples of eligible types of events:
community-based celebrations of the historic contributions to Canada of particular ethnic, cultural or religious groups, including in support of initiatives such as Asian Heritage Month and Black History Month a “citizenship day” event for young people, organized by a coalition of faith, ethnic or cultural groups musical events that bridge ethnic, cultural or religious communities a sporting activity involving members of various ethnic, cultural or religious communitiesinterfaith dialogues that bring together representatives of Canada’s faith groupsintercultural dialogues to share cultural heritage, traditions and viewpointspublic education events that foster intercultural or interfaith understanding, civic memory and pride, and/or respect for core democratic values.Events not eligible for funding are primarily those of a religious, political, commercial or private nature.
Eligible expenditures must relate directly to the event activities and may include:
salaries and professional fees and expenses, including costs of honoraria (but not for directors)recruiting, training or supporting local volunteers (e.g., child care, uniform or transportation)performers’ and artists’ fees and expensesdomestic travel for event participants liability insurance [note 2] translation from one to another official languagecommunications, publicity, promotional materialfacility rental, production and set-up costsNo more than 15% of the amount granted to the applicant can be used for administrative expenses. Administrative expenses may include:
office suppliesInternet servicestelephone, faxutilitiespostage, courierphotocopying and printingThe Inter-Action Events stream does not fund:
core program expenses such as: directors’ fees for volunteer members of Boards or other governing bodies annual or regular executive board meetings ongoing production or development of newsletters, websites, newspapers, magazines, journals, or radio and television broadcastscapital costs or expenditures start-up and operational costs for organizations activities already undertaken or completed before the issuance of a grant letter eligible costs that exceed the Government of Canada Travel and Hospitality Directive profit-making activities international travelfood and beveragescontingency/miscellaneous feesFunding will be in the form of a grant of up to 50% of the total cash expenses of the event, but will not exceed $15,000.
Proposals will be acknowledged within 7 business days of the receipt of the proposal.Eligible applicants will be provided with a funding decision within 60 business days after the acknowledgment of the proposal, or will be notified if any additional processing time is required.For effective event-planning purposes, applicants are strongly encouraged to apply at least 90 business days (18 calendar weeks) prior to the proposed event date.Eligible proposals will be assessed against the following criteria.
Proposal demonstrates how event supports the Events stream objective. Need for event is well established and clear.Event has confirmed partners.Event activities are designed to create concrete opportunities for positive interaction between different communities.Anticipated effects of event on communities involved are clearly expressed in proposal. Proposed budget is balanced and sufficiently detailed (i.e., costs and revenues have been itemized and explained).Proposed budget is reasonable and reflects due regard for the efficient and prudent use of public funds.Applicant has demonstrated capacity to deliver proposed event in a successful, efficient and timely manner.This glossary contains definitions for some important terms used in the Events stream Funding Guidelines and General Application Form.
Administrative costs: Administrative expenses, such as office supplies, telephone, fax, Internet, utilities, postage, courier, photocopying/printing, and rent for office space. Only administrative costs directly related to the funded event are eligible under the Inter-Action Events stream.Event: An organized activity or an intercultural or interfaith celebration open to the general public. It should provide for short-term community interaction (typically from a few hours to a few days) for a diverse audience independent of any long-term program or project. Examples of events are found in Eligible Events.Grant: A transfer payment subject to pre-established eligibility and other entitlement criteria. A grant does not have to be accounted for by a recipient, nor normally subject to auditing by the Department. The recipient will be required to report on the results achieved.Honorarium: A payment to a professional person for services provided for which fees are not legally or traditionally required.In-kind contribution: A contribution—by an individual, a business or an organization—of materials, goods, services or time that would otherwise be an incurred expense. In-kind contributions are considered real contributions to the cost of the proposed activities but are not reimbursable. Donated goods and services may be considered in-kind contributions if they are essential to an event’s success; if they would otherwise have to be purchased or paid for by the recipient; if they can be measured at fair market value (i.e., in relation to similar goods and services); and if they are balanced by an equal expense in the project budget.Liability insurance: Insurance for claims arising from injuries or damage to other people or property. Any public events funded by the Inter-Action Events stream must be covered by liability insurance.Partners: All parties (individuals, communities, community-based organizations, public and private sector institutions and funding bodies) with a vested interest in a particular issue.Professional fees: Payments for services rendered by an individual who is not an employee of the organization or by a firm that is separate from the organization. For example, it includes fees for, or in respect of, services provided by writers, translators and event managers.
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