Thursday, 5 December 2013

4 Mind-Blowing Personality Tests Pictures

1. Studies have shown that children cannot see the couple because they don’t have such images in the primary memory and instead see nine dolphins.
Note: This is a test for “dirty minds.” If you needed more than 3 seconds to see the dolphins then there is a kind of… problem! :mrgreen:

2. Most people who see this image tend to go up the left stairs and go down the right stairs. This reaction is likely to be influenced by the western way of reading from left to right. While those who read from right to left, like the Arabs, tend to give the opposite answer.

3. If you managed to find the man in 3 seconds, then the right part of your brain is more developed than in the average person.

If you found him in about 1 minute, the right part of your brain is of the average person.

If you needed more than 1 minute to find him, the right part of your brain is slow.

4. If you see the girl rotating clockwise, then you are using the right hemisphere of your brain at the moment, and vice versa.

The right hemisphere represents people with artistic flair. The left hemisphere instead is linked to rationalism and generally organized mathematical thinking.

If you can see both directions of rotation, you are likely to have an very high IQ level. Although there is no evidence for this, anyone who can see both directions certainly has a balance between organized thinking and more chaotic, creative thinking.

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Geometric Shapes: Simple and Unusual Personality Test

Here is a very simple, but at the same time quite an insightful personality test.

All you have to do is to look at the proposed geometric shapes and choose the one that you think best represents you as a person. In other words, choose the shape that you can clearly identify yourself with. Then arrange the remaining shapes in order of preference.

geometric shapes test

The tireless worker. Exhibits hard work, diligence, perseverance, and always strives for completion. Patience and a methodical nature make squares skilled specialists. A Square  collects information, and has it neatly organized on his shelves, he is able to quickly retrieve the desired facts and earns a deserved reputation of being a scholar in his field.

The Square refers to left hemisphere thinkers, who are characterized by logical thought and mathematical mindsets. Squares analyze and calculate answers to problems, rather than trusting instinct or inference.

Square’s ideal is a planned, regular, life where everything is predictable. They do not like the unexpected or surprises. In the business world, such people often become good administrators and executives but rarely succeed as managers because the constant need for additional information for decision-making deprives them of their speed. In addition, their cold rationality often prevents squares from quickly connecting with other people.

This form symbolizes leadership. Main ability of triangles is to focus on goals and deeply and quickly analyze situations. A Triangle is a very confident person who wants to be right in everything. Triangles find it difficult to admit their mistakes, are easy to train, and absorb information like a sponge. Their career gives their life meaning. Negative qualities: excessive self-absorption. Triangles are very good at presenting the importance of their own work to senior management, can sense profitable business decisions from a mile away, and, struggling for success, may “knock heads” with rivals.

Is a transitional form from one shape to another. People that see themselves as Rectangles are not satisfied with their lives and are busy looking for chances to better their circumstances. The main mental state of a rectangle is a perceived sense of confusion,  bogged by their problems and uncertainty. Their most important features are inconsistent and unpredictable behavior and low self-esteem. Positive qualities: curiosity, inquisitiveness, a lively interest in everything, courage. Tries to do things that have never been done, asks questions that he did not have the spirit for before.

The Circle is a symbol of harmony. Those who choose this shape are interested in good interpersonal relations. The highest value for the circle is people and their well being. This is the most benevolent of the five figures. The Circle is the glue that holds the team or the family together. They stabilize the group and have a high capacity for sympathy and empathy. Circles feel the pain and joy of others as their own. They are right-brain thinkers, not logical but creative and more emotionally charged. The processing of information in such people is not consistent and resembles a mosaic pattern. The main feature of their style of thinking is a focus on the subjective aspects of the problem.

The Zigzag is a symbol of creativity. The Zigzag focuses on imagery. The right-brain thinking zigzag is not fixated on the details, which simplifies the way he views the world, this allows him to construct a holistic and harmonious conceptual view of the world, to see its intrinsic beauty. The Zigzag can not work in one place for a long time – this is after all, boring and there are so many other interesting things to see and experience! The main purpose of the zigzag is the generation of new ideas and methods, and not their actual realization. The Zigzag looks to the future and is more interested in possibilities than in reality.

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Five Most Common Thinking Errors

thinking errorsWe all often make errors in our thinking, especially when we are deeply convinced of the truth of what we believe. These errors lead to the fact that it becomes especially difficult to change our minds or to accept any alternative view.

Our way of thinking is closely linked with our emotions and behavior. It is very useful to know when we make thinking errors in order to be able to assess the situation from the outside. Here are 5 major thinking errors that we usually make.

Getting only a specific output of a particular event is a common error of judgment. Proof of a particular part of a case does not make this case completely truthful. You can lose a single battle but win the war. For example, your favorite football team can lose several games of the season, but still be the champion of the country. In reality, the individual events are rarely particularly important. It makes no sense to judge yourself or others because of one mistake.

If you are not a psychic, you probably cannot see the future. Usually, when people try to imagine the future, they obtain a negative view. When you convince yourself that nothing good will happen to you in the future, you will stop trying to carry out the necessary works. Try to do something, without trying to predict the outcome. If something happened in the past, it does not mean that it will definitely happen again.

We think we know what people around us think, but in most cases we are wrong. For example, assuming that someone yawns when talking to you because he is bored, you are ignoring the possibility that people simply do not get enough sleep.

We often project our thoughts and feelings to other people, ignoring the real version of events. There is always a probability that we are wrong in our judgments, and there is an alternative explanation.

This happens when you take a fairly insignificant event and exaggerate its effect several times. For example, speaking in public, you can imagine how the students start laughing at you when you forget the words. Losing a job, you can begin to think that life is terribly unfair, and you will remain poor until the end of your days.

The truth is that this is just a thought of the worst possible scenarios. Most likely, the audience will not notice that you forgot the words, and within a month you will find a job that will be better than the old one.

Try to imagine the events in a less catastrophic view, because they often are nothing but your vision.

Most people love reading newspapers that write about celebrities, athletes and politicians either as heroes or vice versa. Journalists write these narratives to generate interest and increase circulation. However, we all know that in reality this information may not be truthful.

The same is true for any of us. If you do not bathe in the glow of success, it does not mean you are a loser. If you were late at an important meeting, it will not destroy your career forever.

In fact, there are many variations of successes and failures. Think of them as shades of gray rather than as black and white. Try to think of happening things in a less trivial way, and perhaps you will discover a new vision of this world.

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The Two Islands: An Unusual Personality Test That Will Surprise You!

the two islandsRead the story below and answer as spontaneously and quickly as possible.

There are two neighboring islands. In the first one live two men: an uncivilized savage and a civilized man. In the other island there are several people, among them a girl who is in love and has a relationship with the civilized man.

The girl wants to go to the opposite island to meet her lover. She asks the only boatman of the island how much he wants to take her there. The boatman says that he does not want money and he will take her to the other island if she is naked in the boat.

The girl is shocked… not knowing what to do she goes to the wise man of the island to ask for help. He listens to her story with attention and gives the following advice: “Do what your heart tells you, my child…” So the girl decides to accept the proposal of the boatman in order to meet her beloved man.

So, they go to the other island. But when they arrive, the savage is on the seafront and gets crazy at the sight of the naked woman so he rapes her… At the same moment the civilized man comes and sees the scene. He goes mad and tells the girl that he does not want her anymore and she must leave immediately…

Evaluate the 5 characters of the story (savage, civilized man, girl, boatman, wise man) from the best to the worst, so that the number 1 is the character that you believe to be the best person of the story and the 5th is the worst of all.

Each character of the story represents a priority in your life:

Savage = how important is sex for you;

Civilized man = importance of other people’s opinion;

Girl = your need for emotional relationship;

Boatman = your need for earning money;

Wise man = how much you rely on logic.

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Astonishing Personality Test Used in Finnish Army

personality test mental disordersThis is a personality test that all army recruits in Finland have to take, whether they are women or men. The main goal of the test is to reveal potential mental health disorders in future soldiers so that army physicians and officers are aware and particularly careful of them.

The concept of the test is very simple. The recruit looks at the circles and names all the numbers he sees in them. If he can see numbers in all the six circles, then he is healthy. If the future soldier cannot see numbers in several circles at a time, then he has to be checked for color blindness. If he cannot see only one number, then he may be having the following problems:

Not able to see number in the circle 1. Increased aggressiveness and conflict behavior.

This group of soldiers is recommended to pay most attention to contrast shower and physical exercise.

Not able to see number in the circle 2. Decreased intellectual ability.

Additional measures are not required for soldiers serving in general purpose forces.

Not able to see number in the circle 3. Gluttony.

Enhanced meal and physical exercise are recommended. At the same time, it is recommended to avoid sedentary work or work in the kitchen.

Not able to see number in the circle 4. Sadism.

Soldiers with mild form of sadistic tendencies are recommended to the Troops to Teachers, those with the severe form – to the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Boards.

Not able to see number in the circle 5. Latent homosexuality.

Poorly controllable seizures of attraction to persons of the same sex can take place. Additional measures are not required.

Not able to see number in the circle 6. Schizophrenia.

Full check at psychiatrist is recommended.
P.S. Can you see all the numbers? Don’t worry if you can’t, first of all, the credibility of the test is not guaranteed. I just stumbled upon it on the net and found it really astonishing and uncommon, so I decided to share it. Secondly, it is aimed at revealing potential disorders, i.e. they may never show. To be honest, I also couldn’t see one of the numbers but I won’t tell which :mrgreen:

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5 Most Common Nightmares and Their Interpretation (Part 2)

common nightmaresIt is the second part of the article about the most common nightmares and their interpretation. Here are other five nightmare scenarios and their possible meaning:

Even if you have long forgotten your school or college years, you still can occasionally have dreams of the failure at an exam or something like that. Unconscious anxiety about not passing important exams is a common dream, and the grade you get can tell a lot.

If you fail the exam, it may describe your thoughts on whether you deserve the things you have achieved in life. If you could go back and get an estimate for all of your past deeds, would you be satisfied with the result? If your answer is yes, but on the exam in your dream you feel that your score was too low, then your dream reflects your rejection of what you have achieved.

This is quite an ordinary dream. A house in dreams represents the person. Front of the house is your esteem by the others, while the interior is your inner self.

If your home or other possession is damaged or robbed in your dream, maybe it reflects your inner feelings about damage of your inner integrity and turbulent feelings about yourself. You probably feel that you are cheated or that something valuable to you is in danger.

Having problems with your car is a horrible experience, but if you see it in a dream, in real life it could mean something more serious than just oil or tire change. Vehicles in a dream are a physical shell of a person, but they can carry the emotional load. As well as the dreams of home, the look of the car can be your external perception of the world, while what is under the hood is your inner feelings.

Perhaps you run a surprisingly beautiful car, and suddenly find yourself in a mess, and it does not work properly. This situation can tell about your feelings to yourself. At the same time, dreams about road accident or car crash may indicate a feeling of helplessness or lack of control.

Dreams of you having a serious illness or of your death can bring you a lot of stress. However, do not worry. Although the death in your dream can be very painful, in fact it can mean a change or a new beginning. Death can also mean the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another.

Yet not all dreams of death are so positive. In some cases, dreams in which you get injured or ill or die can mean emotional pain or the fear of getting hurt. This kind of dream may also indicate that you are no longer able to handle the situation yourself, and you need to ask for help or advice from other people.

It is another common nightmare that haunts many people. If you dream yourself being attacked or haunted, it is a signal of your body that it is either ready to meet danger face to face or is going to “ran away”. Such a reaction is primary to the human body, since it always needs to choose when faced with the dangers and fears.

Sigmund Freud described such dreams as “what is dreamed by a person who is in trouble.” This anxiety may be associated with both serious and insignificant problems. Since these fears are embodied in a ghostly stalker, the actions you take to avoid the danger talk about how you react to them in real life.

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4 Doors: Personality Test That Will Surprise You!

psychological test 4 doorsAnswer the question and follow the instructions. Mark answers in a piece of paper and then see the interpretation. You will be impressed with the results!

You enter a room and see 4 doors around you: a white, a black, a blue and a pink.

In what order will you open the doors and what will you see behind them?

You have the right not to open all the doors if you do not want. Give your answer before you see the analysis and interpretation…

don’t cheat! :)

a bit more patience…

if you are ready, you can finally see the results :)

White: Personal life
Black: Death
Blue: Occupation
Pink: Love

White, you are a person who has self-confidence and cares enough for him/herself.

Pink, you are in love or in an active search of a relationship.

Blue, you put a high priority on your career, which means that you either sideline other spheres of life for the sake of your career, either you chase money too much.

Black, you are depressed or in full introspection. Generally the choice of black door shows a bad psychological condition and sometimes avoidance tendencies and even a full denial.

White, maybe you put your personal life on the back burner, but you have self-esteem and love yourself.

Pink, you are in emotional balance, either because you have a smooth relationship, either because you are a balanced person.

Blue, you spend enough time at work to the detriment of other important areas of life. Sometimes this position indicates a person who has put in to work to fill in the gaps of his/her life.

Black, you have avoidance trends, perhaps not as pronounced as if it was your first choice, but still these trends are strong enough. Many teens have this door in the second place, because often adolescence is associated with tendencies of avoidance.

White, you seem to have given up your life. Usually people who have the white door in the third place have low self-esteem and are inclined to pessimism.

Pink, you are either in a stagnant relationship, or have denied the right to love and be loved.

Blue, you feel comfortable and seem to be satisfied with your job.

Black, you suffer in one of the areas of life. To find out in which, just look at the fourth door you’ve chosen. The problem is overstated in the field shown by the last door and you feel that something is missing from your life and do not feel ‘complete’.

White, you have entirely given up your personal life. Often this answer is given by women who have completely lost themselves in the responsibilities of home, husband, children and grandchildren. In any case, it shows a very vulnerable situation.

Pink, you seem to have completely escaped from the emotional world, either because you live in a completely stagnant relationship, or because you have neglected this part of your life.

Blue, you don’t like your job and work only to make a living.

Black, you are psychologically healthy and have a desire to live.

1. The order of opening the doors is most important.

2. Whatever you imagined behind the doors is a simple notation that shows your emotional attitude to each area.

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5 Most Common Nightmares and Their Interpretation (Part 1)

common nightmaresNightmares are an integral part of our dreams. Our pleasant dreams are caused mostly by our dreams and desires, unlike the nightmares that are a manifestation of such feelings as stress and anxiety.

In the nightmares, as well as in all kinds of dreams, all seen images are symbolic, so they should never be interpreted literally. Their interpretation can help you decipher an important message that your subconscious is trying to send you.

Feeling of being lost or trapped in a dream indicates the same feelings experienced by a person in real life in a certain situation. Does anyone make you do something against your will? Do you have exhausted all possible solutions to a problem and feel despair?

Understand that this dream is a direct warning of internal problems, so you should indicate the problem before it is too late.

Do you feel too much pressure or responsibility? These disturbing feelings can lead to a nightmare of falling or drowning. Nightmares about an infinite fall or drowning demonstrate our inner confusion or concern about some issue. Your specific response to this nightmare, most likely, is a mirror of your reactions to some circumstances in reality.

At the same time, such nightmares are a great opportunity to take part in a lucid dream. If you realize that you are dreaming, you can control your fall/drowning and turn it into flying/ swimming. After all, in your dream you can do anything you want.

You call someone in your sleep and you hear endless ringing out? Maybe your hard drive is dead at the moment of writing an important document? Although these dreams may not be classified as nightmares, for some people a hard drive failure is equivalent to a car crash.

If you dream of a technological failure, especially connected with communication, it may mean that you are not able to reach someone on an emotional level. Have lost touch with a good friend? Or maybe a wall has formed between you and your beloved one? If you have such a dream very often, take the time to analyze your relationship and identify areas that need to be “fixed”.

This is one of the most common nightmares of people of all ages. This kind of dream is an estimation of the level of self-confidence. In this case the function of clothes is to hide those things about yourself that you do not want to be learned by others.

If you feel “comfortable” being naked in your dream, then you are safe in revealing your feelings and you have nothing to hide. If you feel confused, it shows your vulnerability, the presence of guilt or shame. And finally, if you do not pay any attention to your nakedness, it could mean a lack of self-awareness.

Thus, if you are hiding something from others or are afraid that one day they will learn it, be prepared to have such an “erotic nightmare”.

Regardless of whether you dream about it or experience it in reality, being in the midst of a natural disaster is a terrible experience. Such disturbing nightmares are always very important, as they can say a lot about the current condition of a person.

Usually they signal an impending disaster in real life. Perhaps you are afraid of not being able to cope with a problem, so you are lost in a lot of debris left after a natural disaster in your sleep. If you have seen something like that, think about what you are currently overburdened with and try to solve the problem efficiently.

The continuation of the article with the next 5 most common nightmares and their interpretation is coming soon… In order not to miss it, you can subscribe to the blog by entering your email address in the field below.

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10 Most Common Nightmares And Their Meaning

Our emotions are the source of most dreams, whether nightmares or not. Both pleasant dreams and terrible nightmares are a normal everyday reality for everyone, while some of them are familiar to most of us. Here are 10 most common nightmares and their meaning.

1. Serious illness


Agony of the unknown, difficulty accepting a reality.

2. Assault or injury


Fear of others and the alleged violence (verbal or physical) we expect from somebody.

3. Car accident


Difficulty in control of one’s life or living a life out of control.

4. Drowning


Experiencing a stressful situation or being under too much pressure.

5. Falling down


Fear of heights, difficulty to keep control over one’s life or even fear of death.

6. Teeth falling out


Being unable to face a situation, actions out of control and lack of energy.

7. Disorientation, being lost on unfamiliar roads


Experiencing a life out of control or being unable to decide in which direction one should go. Also lack of concentration on specific directions.

8. Failure at an exam


Feeling nervous and unprepared about something in the future or a task/an action that was not done as it should have been.

9. Being naked in a public place


Feeling vulnerable or exposed to something or someone, being anxious about the secrets that should not be revealed.

10. Being chased

chased nightmare

Trying to avoid an unpleasant situation, sense of removal from reality.

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10 Real Reasons That Lie Behind Your Negative Emotions

When you do not get what you want, you can unconsciously cause a sense of anger in you in order to force another person to submit to you. So, anger helps you take control of the situation. Anger helps take the upper hand in the dispute, or take revenge for your failures. Anger can also be used to protect your rights. Anger helps us give the enemy to understand that he must retreat. Anger with yourself can be a way to force yourself to do something, get down to a task.

This is our way of expressing dissatisfaction with ourselves, our achievements. It can also be a form of manifestation of compassion. For example, when you sympathize with what happened to someone and use sadness to express your attitude and reaction.

This is a weak form of anger. It occurs when someone’s behavior provokes you and makes you nervous. It helps us stop the stagnation and encourage ourselves to action. Behind all cases of irritation, lies the desire to bring the situation under control. That is, we get irritated when everything goes wrong and not as we said.

It is a form of self-punishment. Sometimes it helps us avoid responsibility for our mistakes. Sometimes guilt is a form of manifestation of superiority: “I’m so highly developed that I even suffer about my mistakes.”

Feeling of guilt is a very destructive emotion, which signals the need to change something about ourselves. You need to figure out where it came from: forced upon you by your values or indeed you have done something icky. Then you need to analyze the cause of your action, sincerely forgive yourself and promise that this will not happen again. It will be good if you compensate the damage or apologize to those you offended.

Disappointment is a manifestation of discontent in those situations when you do not get what you want.

These emotions are associated with the instinct of self-preservation. Their mission is to protect us, preventing dangerous situations. Fear “paints” pictures of unpleasant surprises and obstacles, our failure, bankruptcy. But its goal is not to disturb you, but to help: to warn of danger, to show the real situation, to indicate the hidden pitfalls, so that you are ready for the difficulties. It is necessary to find a grain of truth in these emotions. Then they change the polarity, charge us with energy and motivate to action.

It occurs when multiple efforts to achieve something do not bring the desired results. Desperation is a deep depression, which gives us the excuse to desist from further attempts.

This is a mild form of rebellion against something. As a rule, it manifests itself in those who do not have the power or the ability to rebel openly. It is a passive manifestation of force and disagreement.

It is also a form of acceptance of control. It is when you fall out of the flow of life, and the others can get nothing from you, so they take over your duties. Sometimes depression is a passive way of expressing anger. It becomes an instrument of sophisticated manipulation of others, and works perfectly, creating a sense of guilt for the person to whom it is addressed.

It may signal that you have to afford to take time off work. Or there is a persistent inner need to give up something. Maybe you’re just tired.

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4 Mind-Blowing Personality Tests Pictures


stairs illusion



1. Studies have shown that children cannot see the couple because they don’t have such images in the primary memory and instead see nine dolphins.


Note: This is a test for “dirty minds.” If you needed more than 3 seconds to see the dolphins then there is a kind of… problem! :mrgreen:

2. Most people who see this image tend to go up the left stairs and go down the right stairs. This reaction is likely to be influenced by the western way of reading from left to right. While those who read from right to left, like the Arabs, tend to give the opposite answer.

3. If you managed to find the man in 3 seconds, then the right part of your brain is more developed than in the average person.

If you found him in about 1 minute, the right part of your brain is of the average person.

If you needed more than 1 minute to find him, the right part of your brain is slow.

4. If you see the girl rotating clockwise, then you are using the right hemisphere of your brain at the moment, and vice versa.

The right hemisphere represents people with artistic flair. The left hemisphere instead is linked to rationalism and generally organized mathematical thinking.

If you can see both directions of rotation, you are likely to have an very high IQ level. Although there is no evidence for this, anyone who can see both directions certainly has a balance between organized thinking and more chaotic, creative thinking.

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10 Most Common Nightmares And Their Meaning

Our emotions are the source of most dreams, whether nightmares or not. Both pleasant dreams and terrible nightmares are a normal everyday reality for everyone, while some of them are familiar to most of us. Here are 10 most common nightmares and their meaning.

1. Serious illness


Agony of the unknown, difficulty accepting a reality.

2. Assault or injury


Fear of others and the alleged violence (verbal or physical) we expect from somebody.

3. Car accident


Difficulty in control of one’s life or living a life out of control.

4. Drowning


Experiencing a stressful situation or being under too much pressure.

5. Falling down


Fear of heights, difficulty to keep control over one’s life or even fear of death.

6. Teeth falling out


Being unable to face a situation, actions out of control and lack of energy.

7. Disorientation, being lost on unfamiliar roads


Experiencing a life out of control or being unable to decide in which direction one should go. Also lack of concentration on specific directions.

8. Failure at an exam


Feeling nervous and unprepared about something in the future or a task/an action that was not done as it should have been.

9. Being naked in a public place


Feeling vulnerable or exposed to something or someone, being anxious about the secrets that should not be revealed.

10. Being chased

chased nightmare

Trying to avoid an unpleasant situation, sense of removal from reality.

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Geometric Shapes: Simple and Unusual Personality Test

Here is a very simple, but at the same time quite an insightful personality test.

All you have to do is to look at the proposed geometric shapes and choose the one that you think best represents you as a person. In other words, choose the shape that you can clearly identify yourself with. Then arrange the remaining shapes in order of preference.

geometric shapes test

The tireless worker. Exhibits hard work, diligence, perseverance, and always strives for completion. Patience and a methodical nature make squares skilled specialists. A Square  collects information, and has it neatly organized on his shelves, he is able to quickly retrieve the desired facts and earns a deserved reputation of being a scholar in his field.

The Square refers to left hemisphere thinkers, who are characterized by logical thought and mathematical mindsets. Squares analyze and calculate answers to problems, rather than trusting instinct or inference.

Square’s ideal is a planned, regular, life where everything is predictable. They do not like the unexpected or surprises. In the business world, such people often become good administrators and executives but rarely succeed as managers because the constant need for additional information for decision-making deprives them of their speed. In addition, their cold rationality often prevents squares from quickly connecting with other people.

This form symbolizes leadership. Main ability of triangles is to focus on goals and deeply and quickly analyze situations. A Triangle is a very confident person who wants to be right in everything. Triangles find it difficult to admit their mistakes, are easy to train, and absorb information like a sponge. Their career gives their life meaning. Negative qualities: excessive self-absorption. Triangles are very good at presenting the importance of their own work to senior management, can sense profitable business decisions from a mile away, and, struggling for success, may “knock heads” with rivals.

Is a transitional form from one shape to another. People that see themselves as Rectangles are not satisfied with their lives and are busy looking for chances to better their circumstances. The main mental state of a rectangle is a perceived sense of confusion,  bogged by their problems and uncertainty. Their most important features are inconsistent and unpredictable behavior and low self-esteem. Positive qualities: curiosity, inquisitiveness, a lively interest in everything, courage. Tries to do things that have never been done, asks questions that he did not have the spirit for before.

The Circle is a symbol of harmony. Those who choose this shape are interested in good interpersonal relations. The highest value for the circle is people and their well being. This is the most benevolent of the five figures. The Circle is the glue that holds the team or the family together. They stabilize the group and have a high capacity for sympathy and empathy. Circles feel the pain and joy of others as their own. They are right-brain thinkers, not logical but creative and more emotionally charged. The processing of information in such people is not consistent and resembles a mosaic pattern. The main feature of their style of thinking is a focus on the subjective aspects of the problem.

The Zigzag is a symbol of creativity. The Zigzag focuses on imagery. The right-brain thinking zigzag is not fixated on the details, which simplifies the way he views the world, this allows him to construct a holistic and harmonious conceptual view of the world, to see its intrinsic beauty. The Zigzag can not work in one place for a long time – this is after all, boring and there are so many other interesting things to see and experience! The main purpose of the zigzag is the generation of new ideas and methods, and not their actual realization. The Zigzag looks to the future and is more interested in possibilities than in reality.

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The Two Islands: An Unusual Personality Test That Will Surprise You!

the two islandsRead the story below and answer as spontaneously and quickly as possible.

There are two neighboring islands. In the first one live two men: an uncivilized savage and a civilized man. In the other island there are several people, among them a girl who is in love and has a relationship with the civilized man.

The girl wants to go to the opposite island to meet her lover. She asks the only boatman of the island how much he wants to take her there. The boatman says that he does not want money and he will take her to the other island if she is naked in the boat.

The girl is shocked… not knowing what to do she goes to the wise man of the island to ask for help. He listens to her story with attention and gives the following advice: “Do what your heart tells you, my child…” So the girl decides to accept the proposal of the boatman in order to meet her beloved man.

So, they go to the other island. But when they arrive, the savage is on the seafront and gets crazy at the sight of the naked woman so he rapes her… At the same moment the civilized man comes and sees the scene. He goes mad and tells the girl that he does not want her anymore and she must leave immediately…

Evaluate the 5 characters of the story (savage, civilized man, girl, boatman, wise man) from the best to the worst, so that the number 1 is the character that you believe to be the best person of the story and the 5th is the worst of all.

Each character of the story represents a priority in your life:

Savage = how important is sex for you;

Civilized man = importance of other people’s opinion;

Girl = your need for emotional relationship;

Boatman = your need for earning money;

Wise man = how much you rely on logic.

View the original article here

5 Most Common Nightmares and Their Interpretation (Part 2)

common nightmaresIt is the second part of the article about the most common nightmares and their interpretation. Here are other five nightmare scenarios and their possible meaning:

Even if you have long forgotten your school or college years, you still can occasionally have dreams of the failure at an exam or something like that. Unconscious anxiety about not passing important exams is a common dream, and the grade you get can tell a lot.

If you fail the exam, it may describe your thoughts on whether you deserve the things you have achieved in life. If you could go back and get an estimate for all of your past deeds, would you be satisfied with the result? If your answer is yes, but on the exam in your dream you feel that your score was too low, then your dream reflects your rejection of what you have achieved.

This is quite an ordinary dream. A house in dreams represents the person. Front of the house is your esteem by the others, while the interior is your inner self.

If your home or other possession is damaged or robbed in your dream, maybe it reflects your inner feelings about damage of your inner integrity and turbulent feelings about yourself. You probably feel that you are cheated or that something valuable to you is in danger.

Having problems with your car is a horrible experience, but if you see it in a dream, in real life it could mean something more serious than just oil or tire change. Vehicles in a dream are a physical shell of a person, but they can carry the emotional load. As well as the dreams of home, the look of the car can be your external perception of the world, while what is under the hood is your inner feelings.

Perhaps you run a surprisingly beautiful car, and suddenly find yourself in a mess, and it does not work properly. This situation can tell about your feelings to yourself. At the same time, dreams about road accident or car crash may indicate a feeling of helplessness or lack of control.

Dreams of you having a serious illness or of your death can bring you a lot of stress. However, do not worry. Although the death in your dream can be very painful, in fact it can mean a change or a new beginning. Death can also mean the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another.

Yet not all dreams of death are so positive. In some cases, dreams in which you get injured or ill or die can mean emotional pain or the fear of getting hurt. This kind of dream may also indicate that you are no longer able to handle the situation yourself, and you need to ask for help or advice from other people.

It is another common nightmare that haunts many people. If you dream yourself being attacked or haunted, it is a signal of your body that it is either ready to meet danger face to face or is going to “ran away”. Such a reaction is primary to the human body, since it always needs to choose when faced with the dangers and fears.

Sigmund Freud described such dreams as “what is dreamed by a person who is in trouble.” This anxiety may be associated with both serious and insignificant problems. Since these fears are embodied in a ghostly stalker, the actions you take to avoid the danger talk about how you react to them in real life.

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